Calls from 1-888-421-5246 falsely claim to be the Kent County Assessment Office, attempting to deceive homeowners about property assessments. We do NOT randomly assess properties—all are permit-driven and follow official procedures. Scammers may try to gather personal or financial information. Do NOT share personal info. Verify inquiries via our official number 302-744-2401.
Manure & Composting Shed Exemption: Apply by May 31 if part of an approved nutrient management plan.Property Tax Assessments: Review annually; late appeals cannot be refunded.Elderly & Disability Exemption: Residents 65+ or 100% disabled may apply by April 30.For details, call 302-744-2401 or visit
Please contact Recorder Thornton by email at or call 302-744-2321 to schedule a presentation. Email is best. Please give location, time, day, topic, point of contact and if a PowerPoint Projector or microphone will be available. Please provide an alternate day or time in the event the first requested is not available. Recorder Thornton requests you guarantee a minimum of 12 citizens in the audience. No admission can be charged for the event, and Recorder Thornton will not accept any gifts as a thank you for her time.
This presentation about Property Fraud is being given on an on-going regular basis. What is Property Fraud? How does it happen? What can I do to minimize damages? The audience learns how to register for free property email alerts and share the information with others, especially those over 65, who have no mortgage, and/or who own multiple properties, especially vacant lots.
Property Fraud Presentation
Presentation made to the Kent County Association of Realtors in February 2023 to get feedback from the organization as to what the Deeds office can do to facilitate the real estate industry.
KCAR Presentation - Feb 2023(PDF, 736KB)
Presentation made to the real estate legal community in February 2023 to get feedback from them as to how the Deeds office can best support them. Also included were answers to questions they had for Recorder Thornton when she visited their offices before and just after taking office.
Legal Offsite Presentation - Feb 2023(PDF, 1MB)