The Clerk of the Peace witnesses County documents; attends all formal Levy Court Meetings; records all acts as custodian for the Minutes of the Levy Court Meetings; advertises and posts County ordinances; countersigns warrants drawn on County funds. Issues marriage licenses; and performs marriage ceremonies.
(** Licenses are issued between the hours of 8:00am - 4:15pm M-F)
Marriage License Application Guidelines:
Ceremony Fees for In-State Residents
M-F Regular Hours $50
M-F After Hours $75
Saturday $100
Out of Office $100
Ceremony Fees for non-Delaware Residents
M-F Regular Hours $100
M-F After Hours $125
Saturday $150
Note: Couples marrying in Kent County should ensure the officiant is authorized to perform the ceremony.
Questions? Contact Clerk of the Peace at, or call Phone: 302-744-2346.
Apply Now!